Monday, October 21, 2013

Healing Planet Earth!

What’s This ABOUT

Healing Planet



---The question comes from the fact that I stated that SINCE TERRY BECKER was healed through the application of SLOW MEDICINE (''God's Hotel'' by Dr. Victoria Sweet*) - Doesn’t Planet Earth fall into that same category? The answer is still YES!

---BUT…I, also, said that basically our ‘’job’’ is to let it happen. We can watch it ALL happen if we want…but, there is a good chance that we will want to participate. Well - there is something beyond just being passive and watching…that we can do.

---We must realize that we are part of the healing process when we do positive things…ALSO. If we get healthier (or MORE WELL) in the process it is being on purpose with the general healing. WE ARE DOING OUR PART!

 ---Stop being negative about everything. Realize that the more honest and positive we can be…ADDS to the outcome. Let our priority be cheering each other on and up and NOT just saving face and worrying about how we look. Take babysteps until we are familiar with ALL this. Find your own pace. Make it a fun and an enjoyable ride for one another and I guarantee we will have fun…also. Be Well.

* The Life-Force or viriditas does the healing as it did on Terry Becker.

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